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The purpose of the project is to link the natural and cultural heritage through the bee-keeping traditions between the two countries’s national forestry organizations. Th e bees – children of the forest, belong to the natural inhabitants of the forest, and in the past it was common for the foresters to have their bees and bribes. LESY SR, š. p. in Topoľčianky Forestry held bees until 1991 – approximately 170 colonies of bees. Later in 2013, Vértesi Erdő Zrt. also renewed its beekeeping.

This project offers a solution for the revival of bee-keeping traditions, and bees in the area will have a positive impact on rural land and agriculture. It helps envolve the natural-minded thinking of young people, as it arouses interest in bee-keeping. Both on the Slovak and Hungarian sides, an apiary is being made, where visitors can get acquainted with the bees’ life and the work of bee-keepers. In Topoľčianky there will be a model honey processing plant, an open-air museum, a classroom of bee-keeping, while Vértestolna will have a wax processing plant and a classroom besides the honey processing plant. The young people will have chances to learn about the laws of nature and the life of bees through lessons and lectures, while adults can learn about the life of bees through introductory lectures. The aim of the project is to raise the awareness of beekeeping, the development of biodiversity and call the attention of the future generations to the cultural and natural values, such as bees and bee-keeping.


LESY Slovenskej republiky, š. p. is a strategic state-owned enterprise whose main task is to manage forestry and other property owned by the Slovak Republic.
The primary purpose of the LESY SR public company is to ensure the sustainable forest mana gement of forests and the fulfi llment of public service tasks.
Th e state enterprise manages 886,316 hectares of forest land in Slovakia. Beside of the forestry activities the Topoľčianky forest branch successfully breeds European bison.
At the same time LESY SR, š. p. manages the protected historic park and the hunting castle in Topoľčianky and starts also working on the renewal of the bee-keeping tradition.


Our forestry business manages around 46,000 hectares of national forest areas in the Vértes and Gerecse mountains and in the Császár Hills and Bakonyalja regions. Th e stock of our forest shows a very varied picture from the sub-Mediterranean bushes growing on karstic land of South-Vértes through the beech-wood of the northern sides to the area where fl at and hilly country varies giving home to Austria oak. In our wildlife all the five big game species can be found. Th e diverse flora offers very favorable bee-feeding opportunities, so our Forestry Industry founded in Csákvár in 2013 works on bee-keeping. With experience and natural resources, we are happily pass on our knowledge to get more people to know the world of beekeeping as widely as possible.


Beekeeping Day

Beekeeping Day and XVIII. Sthil National Timber Competition Imperial Regional Semifinal - June 15, 2019 The beekeeping day was held in the INTERREG V- A SK-HU FORESTERS AND BEES SKHU / 1601 / 1.1 / 002 tender. Nearly 100 children participated in various programs under the Beekeeping Day. There were various players, drawings, educational programs, skydiving, basketball, traffic safety demonstrations, machine demonstrations at the disposal of the children, but they also actively participated in the program points.

World Bee Day

Ljubljana, May 20, 2018 – On the occasion of the first celebrations of the World Beekeeping Day, Slovenia organized an international ministerial conference in Ljubljana on the importance of bees and other pollinators for sustainable agriculture and food security. The Slovak Republic was represented by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mrs. Gabriela Matečná.


LESY Slovenskej republiky, state enterprise and Vértesi Erdő Zrt., as project partners would like to kindly invite you to „Hungarian and Slovak foresters for the bees“(SKHU/1601/1.1/002) project opening press conference, which will take place under the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme. The press conference aims to inform the regional Slovak and Hungarian press about the planned activities of the project.


Lead Beneficiary

Vértesi Erdészeti és Faipari Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság
2800 Tatabánya, Dózsakert utca 63.

The location of the project

SK: Topoľčianky, Žikava
HU: Szomód, Vértestolna

Cross-border Beneficiary

LESY Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik
Námestie SNP 8
975 66 Banská Bystrica
Odštepný závod Topoľčianky